Fish In The Pool - 花与爱丽丝杀人事件


  《fish in the pool》为该剧片尾曲,其中配乐除岩井本人外,还请到歌手椎名琴音、作曲家桑原まこ加盟,岩井为该曲填词。


let me hear the sound of you heartbeat on my toes

let me touch my ear on your chest

it rains cats and dogs

I’m a little soaking mouse

here wet with a blanket of rain

and I dream of you

I don’t like this time we have

cause I’m here afraid of when we lose it

can you hear the rain above

it sounds like a tiny march of angels

please don’t leave me here just watch me dance

pointé passé fouetté

whenever we meet it rains cats and dogs

I’m a little soaking mouse

I’m wet with a blanket of rain

and I dream of you

LA LA you know

I knew you’d no longer be here when the summer was over

and now I knew you’d be back and without any words or hints

it must be fate

the world is a dream in rain

the splashes of water shines don’t you see

watch out

don’t step on the fish in the pool

I’m a little soaking mouse

I’m wet with a blanket of rain

and I dream of you

let me hear the sound of you heartbeat on my toes

let me touch my ear on your chest

it rains cats and dogs

I’m a little soaking mouse

here wet with a blanket of rain

and I’m dreaming of you

  [music]fish in the pool[/music]


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