We just laugh about it - Lucky Twice



  Lucky Twice,由同是17岁Hannah Reynold和Sofie Larsson组成,是瑞典当红女子团体。她们签约了瑞典唱片公司Family Tree Music,曾经把September和Gathania & Nexx一手推向成功的Victoria Ekeberg担任Lucky Twice的经纪人,公司对这对组合前途充满信心。她们首支单曲 “Lucky”2006年6月20日在西班牙率先发行就夺下单曲榜冠军位置,同时创下双白金超高销量,两个17岁的女生并没有被初次的成功而冲昏头脑,紧接07年推出首张专辑Young & Clever (年少资质),7月的单曲”Hop Non Stop”更是在越南地区席卷一场Lucky Twice风潮,代表Lucky Twice已经向国际市场迈出了坚实的一步


You’ve been all around the world then search for life

and have been lying on the bad time flow to mine

unless like you are always first to ask

daddy used to say that after this is a chat

yeah yeah yeah yeah

we are always gonna make it

we never have to fake it

and nothing is gonna break it

we just laugh about it

we just laugh about it

we are always gonna make it

we never have to fake it

and nothing is gonna break it

we just laugh about it

we just laugh about it

you go all around the world i go and see

you believe in being where i like to dream

still we never see to go outside the way

every night you back query honey, how is your day



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