AboutTime 是一个网络校时软件

AboutTime 是一个网络校时软件,比windows自带的更好用。

AboutTime is a superior source of time for your computer. As a time client, it will acquire time from the Internet with great accuracy, and as a server it will provide four kinds of time signals to other computers on your local network.

AboutTime uses advanced signal-processing techniques to correct for network delays, making high accuracy possible even over a slow modem connection.

In a local network with a copy of AboutTime installed on each machine, one can achieve + – 50 millisecond typical synchronization accuracies.

AboutTime can be instructed to perform its tasks automatically, at startup or at chosen time intervals. It is a small program that can be run in the background without requiring many resources.

AboutTime is compatible with all current Windows versions.

Oh, I almost forgot the other good news. AboutTime is CareWare — that means no money, now or ever. You just have to care.




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